Thursday, January 12, 2012

School Photos

Holy cow my kids are growing up so fast!!!

I know that I didn't look this cute in 8th grade. Sam is gorgeous!

Justin only has one more year left with braces.

Devyn is so sweet.

Not much irritates me more than when my kids make goofy faces on purpose when it isn't time to be goofy. If I have to go through the effort of retakes, then I will post your obnoxious photo.

Luckily the retakes turned out much better. Hopefully Tanner learned his lesson this year.


  1. They are soo cute! And you are right Rube your Sammy is georgeous! Only, you were that pretty... I remember! Wasn't that just us??? :)

  2. That's a ton of blogging, and seriously, does she have an awkward teen picture?

  3. I stalk Jaaaaaaaaarrrrrrred
