Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tanner's Jokes #5

Tanner thought it would be really great to add water to my hair spray because then there is more of it. My hair has a tendency to become very curly or frizzy when it gets wet. My freshly straightened hair didn't look so great after I sprayed water all over it instead of hair spray.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Few Things My Kids Still Need to Learn

Apparently Devyn is still struggling with genetics. Back when I was pregnant with Jared, we saw a tv show where this white lady delivered twin African American babies. We also had cute little African American twins that lived across the street. Devyn was obsessed that I also was going to deliver two black babies also. I kept trying to convince him that wasn't a possibility. But he was obsessed, he kept saying, "well what if it happens." I finally had to tell him that it isn't going to happen, but if it does, then mommy would be in a lot of trouble. He finally dropped it when Jared was born and looked just like him. I thought he learned but I guess not.

Devyn's birthday was yesterday and he thought that he was part Mexican because his birthday is on Cinco de Mayo. I tried my best to convince him that he isn't and kids take after their parents, but he doesn't believe me. For him it is all about the birthday. I wonder what June 6th makes me, part summer?

Tanner told me yesterday that "there are two no fairs" that happened to him that day. Apparently he is keeping track of the "no fair" things that are happening to him. I guess I haven't done a very good job teaching him that life isn't fair and if only two "no fair" things happen, he should feel lucky.