Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sam loves . . .

Sam loves playing basketball.

Sam loves getting ready and the number 3. She was very excited to pick the number out for her uniform.

Sam was way excited to finally get her ears pierced and she loves earings.

Sam loves her daddy.

She also loves her baby brother.

Sam loves getting awards, this one is for compassion.

These are for track.

She doesn't love touching dead fish.

And she doesn't love me taking pictures of her all of the time.

But we all love Sam, she ROCKS!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

If you think this is bad, you should see what the other guy looks like

Don't you hate the phone calls from the school that begin with, "don't panic, everything's okay, but . . ." I received one of those calls last week and wasn't worried until she repeated that statement a couple of times. Justin had a run in with another boy and ended up getting a huge bruise on his cheek. Luckily for Justin it wasn't a fight, they both weren't paying attention and they just ran into each other.

Stress Relief

You have all heard the term, there is no such thing as a stupid question. I disagree. I answer a lot of really stupid questions. At times, I reach my stupid question limit and I have to put a huge effort into not throwing my pen at someone or saying something that will get me fired. My sister was sensing my frustration and sent me a dammit doll. So when I get frustrated I can close my door and whack her around until I can get back to my happy place. She is by far the cutest part of my stress relief collection. I also have a stress ball and a worry stone, but I have huge urges to throw them at people also. I think the dammit doll just might work. Thanks Karen!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Jared has found a few new things that he loves. He is obsessed with ketchup. He scoops it up with his hands and tries to eat it. He just ends up getting it all over his face and his hair. I guess we could call him ketchup face instead of syrup head.

He also loves to go outside. He tries to escape out the back door. When he realizes it is locked, this is what happens.

Followed by this:

I think I have seen that face before. I guess some things it takes a while to grow out of.

If he gets to go outside, he is all smiles. Let's hope that it warms up soon so that he can have more happy days outside eating ketchup.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day and Tanner's Jokes #4

In honor of April Fools Day, I thought Tanner deserved the spotlight with one of his pranks.

One night Chris rolls over and his hand hits something soft and gooey in our bed. Early in the morning, when you aren't too coherent what would your first thought be that it is - yeah pooh. Chris smells it and it doesn't smell like pooh so he is brave enough to taste it. Did I mention that he wasn't coherent yet. Luckily for him it ended up being yogurt. Only Tanner would dump yogurt in our bed in the middle of the night. I guess it could have been something worse like eggs or pooh, but it was still gross.

My kids have been giggling and whispering about what kind of joke they are going to play on me this year. I haven't figured out what it is yet, but I think it has something to do with toothpaste. Tonight is Grandma's night to babysit, so maybe they will forget by the time I get home, or maybe I will end up with toothpaste or something disgusting in my bed.