Thursday, January 12, 2012

School Photos

Holy cow my kids are growing up so fast!!!

I know that I didn't look this cute in 8th grade. Sam is gorgeous!

Justin only has one more year left with braces.

Devyn is so sweet.

Not much irritates me more than when my kids make goofy faces on purpose when it isn't time to be goofy. If I have to go through the effort of retakes, then I will post your obnoxious photo.

Luckily the retakes turned out much better. Hopefully Tanner learned his lesson this year.

Fall Football

We spend a lot of time, energy and money for football.
This was Tanner's first year playing tackle football.
He is a Blue Sky Bagel Charger

Devyn is a TetraTech Titan.
This is his second year of tackle football.
I can't find his pictures, but I will upload them when I do.

Justin is an RST Fundraising Viking. This is his third year of tackle football. He thought he would be super funny and pretend to be asleep in his group photo. He should know by now that if you annoy me by messing up your photos, then I will post them on-line and show everyone that I possibly can so that you never do it again.

Here is a close up in case you can't see it properly

My afternoons were spent watching volleyball games, my evenings were spent at football practice and my Saturdays were spent watching three football games. Since they all wear different colors, I had to pack a bag with all three shirts and change in between each game. We were really lucky when they all played at the same location, it was very difficult when they were all playing games in different towns. Luckily it is over for now. It takes me most of the year to gear up for the next season. Only nine years left of Optimist Football!

What did we do the rest of the summer?

We bought a raft and spent most of our time on the river.
It is a really big raft.

The Rest of the Vacation . . . Jared was scared

We rode the dinosaur train to SIX FLAGS

Jared loved riding the airplane

Jared hated this ride so much that it took all of my coaxing to get him to ride anything else the rest of the day. The other boys didn't seem to mind it so much. Jared still hates this ride.

The swings were fun

Sami and Chris spent the day going on the scariest rides they could

We had loads of fun here, we just wished it stayed open longer.

The Academy of Science was very cool with scary dinosaur bones

an albino alligator and albino snapping turtles

and according to Jared, the scariest of all, a presentation with a diver about fish. He hates the loud noises from the microphone during any presentations.
He spent the whole time asking, "is it over yet?"

The aquarium was very small, but the star fish were fun to touch

Maybe we should leave Justin under water? Our world was much quieter

We took the kids to the Rain Forest Cafe

They sat us by a really scary elephant, Jared hated it

Granted it looked kind of evil and when it blew out air and stamped its foot, it looked even creepier

By the end of dinner, he liked it a little better and realized that it wasn't that scary

We had a great family vacation

Muir Woods and the Pacific Ocean

The Redwoods were beautiful at Muir Woods. The trees were very large . . .

Never fear, we had Batman there to protect us

My kids were really tired of having their picture taken

It was still a great place to visit

Jared put on his glasses and was trying to figure out who the winner will be.
The kids were racing in a grassy area by the San Francisco Bay.

We found an amazing beach by the Muir Woods

The boys found lots of interesting things in the sand

Like dead jelly fish

Despite these signs

Justin and Devyn spent all of their time playing in the ocean

The tide really freaked Jared out, he kept running up the beach when I tried to take his picture.

I was finally able to bribe him into taking this picture. He kept telling me,
"I do not like that water"

Tanner had fun burying himself in the sand

Sami really enjoyed sitting on the beach.
I think she was having a Six Flags hangover from the day before.

I didn't spend any time in the water either, because remember these signs.
Me and sharks don't mix.

The beach was gorgeous. It was my favorite day on this vacation.