Monday, March 21, 2011

Adventures of a Bathroom Door

If you read my previous post, you will remember that back in December my bathroom door was smashed with a sledge hammer. It was blocking me out of my closet and toothbrush and I was late for work. What can I say.

Well the door has been sitting in my garage and has been attacked by a sledge hammer a few more times. It sat patiently waiting for the day when my boys could take it out and use it for target practice.

The happy day arrived last Saturday. My door was tied to the top of our Suburban and the boys headed to the hills with the neighbors to finish off the door. Well it was cold and windy and rainy and the boys had a few other things to shoot at and the door was forgotten.

The Suburban was very muddy after the shoot out, so Chris took it to the car wash before he came home. He completely forgot about the door until his friend pointed it out half way through the car wash. The poor door met its end by a car wash rather than a shot gun. It has finally been put to rest.

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