Sunday, February 13, 2011

Luckily Justin's Keeping me on the Straight and Narrow

So I was at Costco last week and bought a lime flavored mix. It is really yummy to mix with ice cream and I thought it would be fun to make for the kids.

Justin saw that the label said "Margarita Mix" and he thought that I took up drinking. He gave me a really nice lecture and showed a lot of concern for my new habit.

Finally when he was done, I showed him the label that said "non-alcoholic" and explained that I haven't started drinking and I really don't have a plan to start drinking ever. In order to make a margarita alcoholic, you have to add alcohol.

I told him that I was really proud of him for being willing to stand up to me when he thought I was doing something wrong. He told me that he was really worried about what those people at work were trying to get me to do. I told him that luckily nobody has ever made me doing something that I didn't want to do. He is safe from me becoming an alcoholic. He thought that if I was going to start drinking that he would hide all of the alcohol from me.

Luckily my ten year old is there to watch out for me and keep me making good choices, ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, that is so absolutely precious. What a wonderful young man you are raising!
