Monday, July 19, 2010

Daddy Daughter Campout

Chris and Sam try to go on a summer campout
with their friends every year.
This year they had a late start and drove up to the
trail head to spend the first night.
The second day, they hiked in to the lake and stayed there.
Aren't the dads and their daughters so cute . . .

Bernt and Tessa

Gordon and Brooke

They hiked and made funny faces

They fished and made more funny faces

They ate and made more funny faces

Sam really likes to make goofy faces, if you can't tell by now

They hiked to a waterfall that still had snow around it

And they came back smelly and happy
They also took pictures of their dads asleep
and they took the camera in the middle of the night and took some high quality blackmail photos, but I will wait to post those for when she actually starts dating or her wedding or something.

Sam's Sixth Grade Graduation

Sam graduated from Sixth Grade
I think Chris was a little sad she is growing up

This is her teacher Mr. Blume, he rocks by the way

Sam's friends all received the presidential award, go girls!

Lauren came to show off her new princess dress

This is the boy Sam likes. Chris embarassed them both by taking their picture although they both really wanted it taken. Now I will embarass her by posting it on our blog :)

~ I love you Sam! Good luck in middle school ~