Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brains v. Speed

Justin is super smart, but not super athletic. He decided to join track this year, because it is a big social event and he is a big social kid. He really wanted to qualify in an event so that he could go to the next level at Timberline. He knows that he isn't much of a runner, but he calculated that they take the top 8 and there were only 5 people entered in the 800 race. He knew that if he ran the race that even if he came in last he would still get to move on.

So he ran the 800 and just as he was coming in dead last, he slows down at the finish line and takes a puff of his inhaler and tosses it to his buddy on the sidelines and finishes the race. He was super happy because he knew he made it.

Unfortunately, he didn't do enough research. He thought if he made it to Timberline, he could participate in any event that he wanted to, he didn't know that he would have to run the 800 again. He was a good sport and ran the 800 again. He wasn't too disappointed that he didn't move on that time.

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