Thursday, November 18, 2010

My husband, the mighty hunter

Chris went deer hunting

with his friend, Doug

They both came back happy hunters.
I ended up with a gross big deer in my garage.

Chris left his camera up on the hunt. He was very sad and was frantically searching for it, while I was frantically trying to get ready for the primary program. Chris didn't have time on Sunday to go back and look for his camera, so he phoned a friend that was still up there to see if he could find it. His friend found it and then lost it. He told Chris I think it fell out of my pocket in a flat spot by the river next to a tree. The following Thursday, Chris drove up there to see if he could find his camera. He actually found the flat spot by the river next to the tree and found his camera. It had been sitting there since Sunday, in the rain, and it still worked. Chris took this picture to test it out. I am still amazed that not only did he find it, it still worked.

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